In the swirling vortex of debates around artificial intelligence (AI) and its effects on the job market, it’s easy to get caught up in doom and gloom narratives. But what if we switched the lens to focus on the brighter side? Yes, AI is changing the game, but it’s also paving the way for a slew of positive impacts, especially for youth employment. This blog post aims to shed light on the optimistic aspects of AI in the job market,
Extra Income Do you have a hobby that you excel in? Can you see the bigger picture with a camera in your hand? Do the words flow like water when writing a social media post? Crafting, cooking, gardening, pet sitting. There are countless ways that we spend our free time. What if you could turn that time into income? Now, money is not everything in life. Your passions do not always have to be related to monetary value.
Fast, up-to-date and ever-present, social media can be described as a 21 st century gateway into societal consciousness. We are all connected by invisible strings and influence one another without fully realising it. While these influences are subtle, they are powerful and when done right they are enough to shift trends on a global scale. So, with these resources being so effective at creating interest in new products, why shouldn’t you, meaning brand “You”, capitalise on what’s available at your very
Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare
Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare, est sed tincidunt placerat, sem mi suscipit mi, at varius enim sem at sem. Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Mauris iaculis magna ipsum, sit amet pretium risus dictum cursus. Morbi id massa sed risus eleifend rutrum. Mauris lorem diam, fermentum sed lorem ac, maximus efficitur sapien. Aenean condimentum ornare
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