Youth unemployment can only be tackled if individuals and organisations work together to defeat it and empower the younger generation. This is why we are so keen to form strong associations with businesses and government organisations of all sizes in order to collaborate and find solutions to the problem together. We wish to network with organisations from all levels to identify new, tangible opportunities for young people and guide them towards long and rewarding careers that allow them to make the most of their potential. We aim to engage with employers from various sectors to help them find new talent to fill their positions.
We’re always open to new ideas when it comes to offering opportunities to today’s young people. Please do get in touch if you wish to work with us to provide workshops and training programmes that offer a real benefit to society.
If you like to work with us or feel you can help please get in touch at the earliest opportunity. Youth unemployment remains at its worst levels in recent memory and needs to be combated with powerful solutions as soon as possible – with more and more young people finding themselves without meaningful full-time work all the time.
There are several ways that you can help us with the provision of our training programmes and workshops. These include…
Fundraising for our projects
Attending and assisting with our training, workshops and other events
Offering your knowledge of the jobs market and your skills to help young people
Identifying new ways to help us help today’s young people move forward with their careers
We are a NGO, Social Enterprise and Not-For-Profit organisation that aims to reduce youth unemployment by empowering young people with self-confidence, knowledge and professional skills. We are dedicated to making a big difference in society by offering high-quality skills-based workshops to young people, especially those who are unemployed. We help them to find employment or run their own enterprise.
We realise that many businesses and individuals do want to help young people out of unemployment and bring hope and a sense of purpose to their lives, but it is not always clear how we do this. We aim to nurture a mutually-beneficial dialogue between employers and today’s young people in order to promote a better understanding of what needs to be done to erase the hopelessness of youth unemployment.
We run events all across the UK and also use social media sites like Facebook, X (Twitter), flickr, Instagram and YouTube to engage with young people, businesses, charities and government organisations alike.
Individuals and businesses are also welcome to sign up for membership with us to help young people acquire the skills and experience that they need to impress potential employers. All the revenue raised from our services is poured straight back into our services to make them more efficient and effective, whilst financing the support we plan to offer to the young people of the future.
If you would like to get involved with us and build a better future for today’s young people, please fill out the form below.