Nowadays young people like you have a smartphone which has YouTube installed as a default app. Making it essential for millions of users to access video’s and live streams produced by their favourite content creator. Do you want to become a famous content creator rather than working a 9-5 or shift work type of job? This article will highlight what steps you need to take into entering the competitive society of online content creation along with the benefits. Having a Reason
In the swirling vortex of debates around artificial intelligence (AI) and its effects on the job market, it’s easy to get caught up in doom and gloom narratives. But what if we switched the lens to focus on the brighter side? Yes, AI is changing the game, but it’s also paving the way for a slew of positive impacts, especially for youth employment. This blog post aims to shed light on the optimistic aspects of AI in the job market,
Do you resonate with my experiences? Hair seems to continuously fall as I glance at the floor, forever littered with strands. Nights grow restless, anxiety weaving a web that keeps sleep at bay. Days unfold monotonously, unchanging and stifling. My inbox becomes a constant refresh, awaiting that pivotal internship email or news from the school’s systems as anxiety steadily builds. Meanwhile, the future looms distant, akin to an unfathomable void, chipping away at my confidence and fortitude, leaving me more
It’s hard. The world is designed to distract you. Facebook is a research laboratory focussed on human distraction. They invest billions and are excellent at their work. When facebook slip up, hard on their tails come Apple, apps, youtube, caffeine, bored friends, problematic neighbours and general office bullshit. Apps are designed to be as addictive as possible. Assume you are dealing with crack cocaine. If you can see it, you will use it. If you can
There are 2 ways to categorize work: Cognitive or manual and Repetitive or non-repetitive. There are basically 4 kinds of work: 1. Manual repetitive – Assembly line factory worker, farm labourer 2. Cognitive repetitive – Call center operative, Bank teller 3. Manual non-repetitive – Jewellery maker, Custom car builder 4. Cognitive non-repetitive – Project manager, Sales of large complex systems Generally speaking, repetitive manual work requires the least self-management and is the lowest paying, and cognitive non-repetitive work requires the most self-management